So one of the big Web 2.0 terms is social marketing - with so many websites giving out similar information how do you go about getting the word out about your own website? For example, have you heard about - no? Well many people haven't heard about it. It's a website where you can go and click on a button, and for every click, the sponsors of the website donate some food to certain animal sheltering organizations across the nation. They don't ask for your email, just for you to visit the site daily, and click to give. Well over the past year they have struggled to get the clicks, so they have a new idea. Bribery! When has it not worked? What they've done is started a contest that animal shelters and rescues participate in, by trying to get the most votes. People can vote once once daily, but in order to vote, they have to click the button that donates the food as well. The prize for the group with the most votes over all is $20,000 and each state has a weekly winner as well, winning $1000 for most votes in the state. It may be a carrot on a stick, but it's quite effective!
And of course, if you'd like to vote for a good group I have to put in a plug :) You can vote daily by visiting and click the "click to give" button. It will take you to a new page that thanks you, and you will see a banner about "Voting in the SHelter Challenge" click on it, and search for "Lost Dog" in VA, and
Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation will show up, and you can vote :)