Sunday, February 8, 2009

I think that the class might find this Blog comment interesting because it discusses the actual format of the NMAI online museum. While I do not understand a lot of his terms, I know that he is criticizing some of the technicalities of the website. He wants the site to be more high-tech, which I think is a valid request for something as detailed as an entire online museum.

There was no link to the one specific comment so I have posted the actual comment and the link to the Blog as a whole...

on 1/30/2009, Sadler wrote...
"Oops - spoke too soon. Great idea, but I wonder now about the execution. The website ( is still in 800 x 600 mode - how about at least centering it? Move to AT LEAST 1024 ( would go to 1280 for such a graphic site). No link from the collections page to this database (that I could find).I learned long ago that many people have what I refer to as "80 column card mentality". If you worry about all the people with low-tech computers you do a dis-service to everyone else. The balance is to have a low tech lead-in page where you warn viewers that links lead to pages requiring high-speed access, etc.I noticed photo, paper, etc on the collections page - but no art..."